Winhere Inspection Center Accomplished the Accreditation of CNAS

Views: 20     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2018-04-19      Origin: Site

Winhere Inspection Center Accomplished the Accreditation of CNAS

On Apr. 17th, CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment) officially issued Winhere inspection center the accreditation certificate, registration No. CNAS L10951, within the certification scope of automobile brake rotor.


The accreditation of CNAS indicates that Winhere inspection center has been qualified to do system inspection in accordance with ISO 17025 and use the recognized markings of CNAS labs and the international mutual accreditation markings of ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation). So far Winhere inspection center has been included in the approved accreditation organizations of CNAS, which has dramatically raised the prestige and competitiveness of Winhere.


Since Sept. 2016, Winhere has been striving for this accreditation for 14 months. Support of the company leadership and the relevant departments and persistent efforts of the people in the inspection center have all made the accomplishment come true. With the world-leading inspection facility, the inspection capacity of Winhere inspection center has been elevated to a higher level and Winhere inspection has strode into a new age.


Winhere Brake Parts, Inc.

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